Game Engineer & Programmer

Welcome to my new Website! This time coded and arrarnged all by myself!

Also, here is a video of my first published project, match maker! it is available on android and ios platforms.


Hi there! Welcome to my Website, I am a Game Engineer and Programmer currently working on my own projects and learning new things every day, such as HTML, CSS, Java, C#, Unity Game Engine, and solving questions in Leet Code!

I spend most of my time, 60 - 70 hours a week programming and learning new things. Most of the time I focus on game development, others I like to learn about computer science and programming itself.

From an early age, I started to all type of systems,games, and technology, no matter the language or presentation form. This helped me to expand and identify my likes and dislikes as a developer.

My first attempt to create my own content was when using the map editor in games, such as Age of Empires, or Age of Mythology. These experiences defined my aspirations for the following years. Later on, I discovered Unity and UE4 but due to the lack of equipment and knowledge could not get started on them until I pursued my Bachelor's degree.

Although Programming, Video Games and Learning are a key aspects of my life, I believe everything in life is influential. From an early age, I learned to play multiple musical instruments, like Piano and Guitar. Thus, music is very important in my life.